AIEEE: 2010 - Opening Rank & Closing Rank

Round No Quota Institute Name Branch name OP Rank OPPH Rank SC Rank SCPH Rank ST Rank STPH Rank OB Rank OBPH Rank
Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Bio Technology 2484 5285 0 0 27664 41632 417225 417225 73533 99802 0 0 9324 13273 0 0
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Bio Technology 5643 7800 0 0 47884 61496 0 0 100455 103033 0 0 13468 17881 213844 213844
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Chemical Engineering \ Technology 1078 2627 28213 28213 20021 27833 0 0 40882 59947 0 0 5370 7202 0 0
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Chemical Engineering \ Technology 2682 3879 72387 72387 27961 33649 0 0 59998 76139 0 0 7321 9338 0 0
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Civil Engineering 555 2060 0 0 15919 22970 0 0 16536 23618 194156 194156 4540 5208 0 0
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Civil Engineering 2101 3002 0 0 23346 26710 0 0 43628 47453 0 0 5254 6232 83741 83741
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Computer Science & Engineering 4 304 6323 6323 2385 7741 0 0 10069 15726 0 0 444 1502 19595 19595
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Computer Science & Engineering 316 778 12147 12147 12167 21448 246567 246567 29686 34997 0 0 1562 3334 0 0
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Electronics & Communication Engineering 33 338 14323 14323 982 7580 0 0 10007 16706 0 0 913 1552 25146 25146
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Electronics & Communication Engineering 347 775 20746 20746 7815 12923 0 0 19709 21863 117090 117090 1689 2862 0 0
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Electrical & Electronics Engineering 28 558 0 0 3367 12091 0 0 14244 17911 0 0 648 2722 27851 27851
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Electrical & Electronics Engineering 596 1144 0 0 13056 20317 187084 187084 25402 32722 0 0 2951 3779 0 0
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Mechanical Engineering 452 864 22564 22564 5572 15617 22734 22734 19391 21631 0 0 978 2729 0 0
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Mechanical Engineering 910 1537 25521 25521 17378 22214 0 0 26928 38961 0 0 3502 4130 81665 81665
1 AI National Institute of Technology, Warangal Metallurgical Engineering 2530 4708 99002 99002 22522 42330 0 0 57599 73598 0 0 7947 11559 0 0
1 HS National Institute of Technology, Warangal Metallurgical Engineering 4842 6412 114529 114529 46690 53451 0 0 87947 97408 0 0 12042 15177 0 0

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